Fight or flight mode

Stress, what it does to you and how reiki can help reduce stress

I want to talk about what stress and anxiety does to the body. Stress can be caused by many different factors, but it is how we cope with different situations and environments. Each of us deals with these things that affect our life differently. When we have stress, we sometimes become sick or ill, we can feel anxiety and fear. When we feel stressed and anxiety our body goes into the fight or flight mode, it is how we protect ourselves. This is from the time when we, as humans relied on that, fight or flight mode in order to survive. So, when the body is in protection mode it shuts down your growth center that is where your digestive and repertory systems are, in your torso. So, fear and anxiety can, if it is unchecked or prolonged, shut down your growth, your immune systems, reproduction, tissue repair and your inflammatory systems. So, having prolonged stress and anxiety can cause us to become chronically ill.

There are 4 basic sources that we experience stress. 1. Your thoughts, how you persevere your environment can affect your stress level. 2. Your body changes i.e. menopause, adolescence, poor nutrition, inadequate sleep, and your physiological reactions to your environment. 3. Your environment, pollen, weather, noise and air pollution all can be overwhelming. 4. Lastly your social demands for your time and energy and attention.

So, what should you look for when you are looking at how your body responds to stress? You can experience any of the following and more due to each person is different and experiences stress different. Heart-rate increases, breathing rate increases, muscle tension, blood pressure increases, and metabolism increases. You can feel your hands and feet become cold as blood moves to lager muscles that can help fight or flight. Your eyes can dilate, and your sight and hearing sharpen.

How can Reiki help with stress? Well as I have said before in previous posts Reiki helps you to relax! Reiki gently calms all of those over reactive sensations down. It brings balance back to the body and give a feeling of being safe so that the body can get out of the fight or flight mode that stress puts us in. Reiki allows one to return to the growth mode of being. When I have a reiki client that is over stressed, I ask them to tell me where they feel that stress and tension in their body. This then gives me a starting point for their reiki session. I also offer my stress management packet. I won’t make my stress management packet available on line through my website just yet, but if you would like it you can request it through my email/contact page.