Fusion Reiki

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What is Fusion Reiki?

Dr. Jason Storm, of the Reiki Revolution, received the Fusion Reiki symbol and instructions for its use. He received along with that the name “Fusion.” Fusion Reiki is a mixture of energies of Usui Reiki, Karuna, Seichim and Tao Tian An Mian Chi Gong. The symbol itself is self-attuning, so its power and use lies in drawing the symbol. Drawing of a symbol can be physically done on paper, visually in your mind, or using your finger/hand drawing it in the air. This means that it is also very powerful when meditated upon.

What is its purpose?

Fusion Reiki greatly amplify and develops your High Sense Perception. It is easy to use by simply drawing it on a client whether in person or at a distance by visualizing the person and visualizing drawing the symbol on them just as you would with other energy systems.

How long does the attunement process take?

Fusion is an energy that passes very quickly but Fusion Reiki is actually better via distance versus in-person attunement or treatment. Feel free to experiment with this and see for yourself.

Who should get this attunement?

Absolutely anyone who would like to increase/expand their awareness. Definitely anyone who would like to work on and expand their emphatic or clairsentient abilities What you get: Attunement sent distantly via Angelic Ball of Protection Manual and certificate in PDF format Help and support, if necessary; and you can pass this energy system on to others


What you get:

  • Attunement sent by Angelic Ball of Protection

  • Manual and Certificate in PDF file

  • Help and support, if necessary;

and you can pass on this energy to others.


Fusion Reiki
from $30.00